Stampa CD “Jack & the Delivery Men” in Digipack 2 ante

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Jack & The Delivery Man è un trio acustico composto da Iacopo Ikkarka (voce e armonica), Alessandro Fattorini- Delivery Man- (chitarra) e Eleonora Comemipare (cajon) che propongono brani originali ispirati al folk/rock/blues americano, e cover che vanno da Gary Clark Jr ai Black Crowes.

Jack & The Delivery Man is an acoustic trio composed by Iacopo Ikkarka (voice and harmonica), Alessandro Fattorini- Delivery Man- (guitar) and Eleonora Comemipare (cajon) who propose original songs inspired by American folk / rock / blues, and covers that they range from Gary Clark Jr to the Black Crowes.

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